“Buy and Sell T-Bills” package

The "Buy and Sell T-Bills” package is designed to meet all the needs of clients who want to invest T-Bills.

Advantages of the package

A current account under "Buy and Sell T-Bills” is opened for retail clients to buy and sell domestic government bonds (Government T-Bills).

The procedure to buy and sell Government T-Bills is simple and convenient. The client opens a current account in a branch under the "Buy and Sell T-Bills" package in UAH or a foreign currency. Subsequently a securities account is opened and a brokerage agreement is signed. A bank officer helps the client to select and buy T-Bills for his/her securities account. At maturity of the T-Bill, the Ministry of Finance (re-)pays the principal plus interest earned to the client’s current account in the "Buy and Sell T-Bills” package.

Account currency - UAH, USD, EUR.

Opening a current account in the "Buy and Sell T-Bills" package allows:

  • making cashless settlements under a brokerage agreement (such services are free of charge);
  • crediting funds to the account from repayment of T-Bills and payment of the funds from the account (free of charge);
  • obtaining transaction and balance account statements;
  • issuing power of attorney to a current account.

How do I order a package?

Potential risks for the client in using deposits/current accounts of individuals

Increase in the amount of personal income tax and military tax on income received from deposit operations.

Assigning a banking institution to the category of insolvent banks pursuant to the decision of the National Bank of Ukraine. Reimbursement of funds to the client by the Individual Deposit Guarantee Fund in the amount of the deposit, including interest, as of the day of the beginning of the withdrawal procedure by the bank's fund from the market, but not more than UAH 200,000. Deposits in foreign currency shall be reimbursed in the national currency of Ukraine, recalculated at the official exchange rate of UAH to foreign currencies set by the National Bank of Ukraine as of the day of beginning of the withdrawal procedure of the bank's fund from the market.

The Client has the right to withdraw from a particular Application Service Provision Agreement (if required by applicable legislation of Ukraine) and terminate this Agreement and close accounts on the basis of a written application (except when early closure/refusal/termination of the agreement is prohibited by law), provided that there are no outstanding debts or valid Application-Agreements at the Bank. This Agreement is considered terminated on the day of account closure and full fulfilment of obligations under this Agreement.

The bank is not allowed to require customers to purchase any goods or services from the bank or its affiliates or partners as a mandatory condition for the provision of these services (except for the banking package).

The bank has no right to unilaterally make changes to agreements concluded with customers, unless otherwise provided by the agreement or the law.

You may refuse to receive promotional materials by calling the Customer Support Centre (free of charge in Ukraine) at 0 800 30 70 30.