Individual bank safes under martial law
Special opportunities for clients
For the duration of martial law in Ukraine, Pivdennyi Joint-Stock Bank offers new options for customers renting an individual safe deposit box.
- Issuance of a banking power of attorney to use the safe deposit box at the customer’s request, placed personally at a Pivdennyi Bank branch, regardless of region.
- Free issuance of a one-time authorization to access your safe deposit box to withdraw valuables, with the option of early termination of the rental agreement via the web version of Pivdennyi MyBank online banking system using the Service Order function. The instruction on how to create an application is available here.
- Prolongation of rental agreements with overdue rental payments.
Important! The date when rental payments under rental agreement became overdue will be considered the rental agreement prolongation date.
You can prolong an individual safe deposit box rental agreement with overdue rental payments at the Pivdennyi Bank branch where the safe deposit box is located, or via Pivdennyi MyBank using the Service Order function.
From May 1, 2022, the payment for each day after the expiration of the lease agreement for an individual bank safe will be UAH 50 (including VAT).