“Profitable plus Online” deposit

A deposit that is easily processed in the new Pivdenny Online mobile application.

Profitably open deposit online in hryvnias, dollars or euros

High interest on deposits in hryvnias. The exchange rate is more favorable in the app, rather than at the bank’s cash desk. Currency is always available – no queues or inconveniences.

Profitably open deposit online in hryvnias, dollars or euros

The exchange rate is more favorable in the app, rather than at the bank’s cash desk. Currency is always available – no queues or inconveniences.

Deposit conditions
Conclude a deposit
in the mobile application Pivdenny Online
Currency of the deposit
Interest rate
6.50%UAH/0,01% USD/0,01% EUR
Minimum deposit amount
500000UAH/100 USD/100 EUR
Deposit term
1 month, 3 months
Interest payments
every month
Deposit increase
not provided
Automatic prolongation
not provided
Early termination
not provided
Partial withdrawal of the deposit
not provided