A brief overview of the Decree of the NBU No. 77 dated 13.06.2019
Dear Clients!
We inform you that from June 14, 2019, the Resolution of the National Bank of Ukraine Board No. 77 dated June 13, 2019 “On Amending Certain Normative Legal Acts of the National Bank of Ukraine” with which the National Bank simplifies foreign investment in Ukraine came into force.
To simplify foreign investment in Ukraine, the National Bank will allow banks to carry out short-term financing in UAH of non-resident legal entities for the acquisition of internal government loan bonds (OVDPs) by them.
From June 14, 2019, Ukrainian banks can provide UAH loans to foreign companies and banks for these purposes, as well as conduct operations on forward and swap terms for a period not exceeding 14 business days.
For more detailed explanations and consultations regarding this resolution, please contact one of our regional departments for analysis and control of currency transactions of legal entities, as indicated below.
Department for Analysis and Control of Currency Transactions of Legal Entities of the Southern Region.
Contact phone numbers
(0482) 307034
(0482) 307049
(0482) 7579297
(0482) 7579236
(0482) 7855228
(044) 4951766
(056) 7901207
(032) 2989206