Restrictions on the purchase of foreign currency for credit funds are lifted
Dear clients!
The National Bank of Ukraine, with the Decree of the Board No. 104 dated 6 August 2019 “On Introducing Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the National Bank of Ukraine” as part of currency liberalisation, abolished the rule prohibiting banks from purchasing foreign currency at the request of clients at the expense of the funds in UAH raised by these clients in the form of a loan. As of 08.08.2019, foreign currency can be purchased at the expense of credit funds in UAH without restrictions on the amount.
For more detailed explanations and consultations regarding the resolution above, please contact the regional departments of analysis and control for foreign exchange transactions of legal entities using the contact numbers indicated below.
Contact phone numbers:
(0482) 30 70 34
(0482) 30 70 49
(0482) 757 92 97
(0482) 757 92 36
(0482) 785 52 28
(044) 495 17 66
(056) 790 12 07
(032) 298 92 06